Editor’s NOTE: Please read this full announcement. Consumers will be asking you about this and your staff should be fully aware and able to tell your customers that this does NOT impact your farm fresh berries. This health warning is limited to fruit purchased between March 5 and April 25 in stores such as Trader Joe’s, Walmart, Read More…
Author: ENYCHP
NYS Farm Directory Launching in June 2022
CCE Staff, Ithaca, New York As part of Cornell Cooperative Extension’s role in strengthening New York State agriculture, we are helping to spread word of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets’ plans to launch a statewide online Farm Directory. The Farm Directory, which launches in mid-June, will connect consumers to producers of Read More…
Champlain Valley Recommendations for Return Bloom Sprays in 2022
Dr. Terence Robinson, Cornell-AgriTech, Geneva, New York For mildly biennial varieties, apply four sprays of Ethrel (1 pt/A) or NAA (4 oz/A) beginning when fruits are 25 mm in diameter and on a 10-day interval. For strongly biennialvarieties, apply four sprays of Ethrel or NAA (4 oz/A) beginning when fruits are 16 mm in diameter and on a Read More…
2022 Champlain Valley Rescue Thinning Recommendations
Dr. Terence Robinson, Cornell AgriTech, Geneva, New York and Mike Basedow, CCE-ENYCHP, Champlain Valley, New York The following is a summary of yesterday’s meeting. The recording is available on our team YouTube page here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jo3mUlMk9o&feature=youtu.be From visiting orchards early this week, and from the results of our fruit growth model measurements, we expect that good Read More…
Corn Trap Counts – 6/8/22
A New Look for Our Vegetable News and the Latest Reports
written by Chuck Bornt, CCE ENYCHP I hope that all of you are off to a great season this year so far. I know I don’t have to say this, but I’m sure many of you are thankful for the recent rains. This year’s vegetable newsletter will look a bit different as we have switched Read More…