USDA Announces Farms Selected for Farm Labor Stabilization and Protection Pilot Program

On June 14, USDA announced the names of the 141 applications that received funding from the Farm Labor Stabilization and Protection Pilot Program (FLSP). Three farms in New York received funding under this program to support housing improvement and expansion, worker training and improved worker pay and benefits.

USDA developed the FLSP Program in September 2023, in coordination with other federal agencies, to help address workforce needs in agriculture; promote a safe and healthy work environment, as well as ethical recruitment for farmworkers; and support lawful migration pathways for workers, including expansion of labor pathways for workers from Northern Central America, through the H-2A visa program. Farms selected for the program receive a payment, based on the number of farmworkers employed by the farm, in exchange for practices like improved pay and benefits (sick leave and paid time off), increasing opportunities for education and opportunities for advancement, improving housing, improving processes for employer-employee engagement and disclosing recruitment practices and advancing practices that protect workers from illegal fees, exploitation and human trafficking.

I served with a panel of reviewers for this program this spring. Although I can only speak to my experience with my group, I think that there are many farms in New York State that would be competitive for these funds (should the program be offered in the future) as they are already meeting and exceeding federal and state standards for pay and benefits, workplace safety and work environment and are experienced with the H2A program. Should it be offered next winter it is a grant program that should be considered by many of you after we have a chance to see how implementation rolls out.