Good luck to Vidyesh during his 6 month internship at Intel!
Author: ccl233
Congratulations, Taewon!
Taewon passed his A exam and is now a PhD candidate.
Welcome new member
The ERG gained a new members: Vidyesh Madhyastha from IIT Madras in the MSE MS program
Hugh wins mentorship award through DPE
The Ephrahim Garcia Graduate Student Excellence in Mentoring Award recognized Hugh as a graduate student who exhibits exceptional mentorship of undergraduates and/or new graduate students in their assistantships, fosters greater inclusion through mentoring, and works closely with others in research and/or other settings across the college.
Hae Won earns MS degree
Hae Won completed the MS program by successfully defending his thesis on May 9. Great job, and good luck!
Hugh wins fellowship
Hugh has won the Provost Diversity Fellowship for spring 2018. Congratulations!
Congratulations, Hugh
In December 2017:
Hugh passed his A exam and is now a PhD candidate.
New article in JVST A
In November 2017, “Design and characterization of a microreactor for spatially confined atomic layer deposition and in situ UHV surface analysis” was published in JVST A with lead author Jiun-Ruey Chen, found here.
Congratulations, Jiun-Ruey!
Jiun-Ruey Chen passed his PhD B exam in July 2017, and is now working at Intel. Congratulations and good luck!
Big news for 2 ERG members!
In June 2017:
Colleen took a road trip from NY to Portland, OR for a summer internship at Lam Research Corporation.
Hugh won the Technology Commercialization Fellowship for summer and fall 2017, through which he will explore the commercialization process for lithium-metal battery research from the Archer group.