
We ship orders via the US Post Office or FedEx. Please make sure your ship-to address is where your mail is delivered, NOT where your lab is located. All orders are shipped on Monday so please get your orders in by the prior Wednesday. If there is a national holiday on Monday, orders will be shipped on the next available day.

Domestic orders can be shipped via USPS or FedEx. If you choose USPS, your order will be sent priority mail and is guaranteeed to get to your ZIP code in 2-3 days. USPS shipping charges will be automatically added to your order. If you choose to have your order shipped through FedEx, shipping charges will not be added to your order so please email us your FedEx account number.

International orders can be sent via USPS or FedEx. FedEx and USPS charges for international orders will be automatically added to your order unless you choose to use your own FedEx account. If you choose to use your own FedEx account please email us your FedEx account number.

Shipping live insects in the Drosophilidae family is allowed under IMM 139.1 and DMM 601.9.3.8, as long as the recipient is an academic institution and follows applicable postal regulations regarding live animals.

Shipping Announcements

Postal Rates

International shipping rates were increased as of October of 2014 due to recent postage increases by the USPS.

The current shipping rates – based on the number of stocks ordered – are as follows:

US Shipping Rates

From To Shipping Rate Packing Costs
1 item 2 items $8.50 US $7.70 US
3 items 8 items $12.50 US $11.00 US
9 items 28 items $18.50 US $19.80 US
29 items 36 items $31.00 US $30.80 US
37 items 56 items $37.00 US $39.60 US

Download spreadsheet with these 5 items

Canadian Shipping Rates

From To Shipping Rate Packing Costs
1 item 8 items $27.00 US $11.00 US
9 items 28 items $37.00 US $19.80 US
29 items 36 items $60.00 US $30.80 US
37 items 56 items $70.00 US $39.60 US

Download spreadsheet with these 4 items

International Shipping Policy

Due to problems with international shipments using USPS Express Mail International service, the Drosophila Species Stock Center cannot be responsible for stocks lost during shipping.

We have experienced difficulty shipping living flies to Russia, Brazil, Rome-Italy, and Puerto Rico. Please contact us BEFORE placing an order to be shipped to these locations.  

The Drosophila Species Stock Center will continue providing a free stock replacement for international orders; however, if the original order was sent through the USPS, customers are responsible for the shipping and packing material costs for the replacement. These are processed by placing an order on our web page using the stock value 00000-5000.01. Please change the quantity to the number of stocks you need replaced. These shipments will be resent using the service selected on the check-out page. Customers using FedEx service for the original order will receive a free replacement at no charge.

Please note change in shipments to China: As of November 1, 2014, we can only offer free replacements for shipments of live flies to China that were accompanied by an import permit.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Other International Shipping – USPS Express

From To Shipping Rate Packing Costs
1 item 2 items $40.00 US $7.70 US
3 items 8 items $50.00 US $11.00 US
9 items 28 items $60.00 US $19.80 US
29 items 36 items $80.00 US $30.80 US
37 items 56 items $88.00 US $39.60 US

Download spreadsheet with these 5 items

Other International Shipping – FedEx

From To Shipping Rate Packing Costs
1 item 8 items $153.00 US $11.00 US
9 items 28 items $203.00 US $19.80 US
29 items 56 items $253.00 US $30.80 US

Download spreadsheet with these 3 items