2013 Release Notes
This website provides information about the development of Cornell University Library’s search interface and catalog. See the release notes below, or review the frequently asked questions.
Feedback or questions? Please email us at cul-dafeedback-l@cornell.edu
December 2013
- Record currency: Records are copied from the classic catalog on November 14.
- Updated formatting of item view availability box so it’s easier to read
- Fixed a bug where advanced searches failed if there were blank fields
- Added back the ‘any copy’ option for requests
- Fixed a bug with holds placed on multivolume items
- Updated most of the site so it passes an accessibility check
November 2013
- Record currency: Records are copied from the classic catalog on November 14.
- Fixed bugs in call number searching
- Fixed bugs in advanced search, including the handling of ampersands
- Moved ‘Expand your search’ links so that they are more visible
- Updated the version of Font Awesome for icons
- Changed ‘status unknown’ label to provide more useful info
- Improved availability display for multivolume items
- Improved availability display of PDA records
October 2013
- Record currency: Records are copied from the classic catalog on September 28.
- Name and email now auto-populate on patron driven purchase request form using LDAP lookup
September 2013
- Record currency: Records are copied from the classic catalog on July 8.
- Added result count for articles to Expand Your Search box
- Added ability to modify an advanced search
- Fixed a bug where the recall expiration date was the same date that the request was made
- Improved the order of volumes in volume select list
August 2013
- Record currency: Records are copied from the classic catalog on July 8.
- Added links to expand your search in libraries worldwide and Summon for articles
- Improved behavior of the location facet
- Improved user interface for multivolume requests
- Added Document Delivery as a request option
- Added new format types: Website, Miscellaneous, Object
July 2013
- Record currency: Records are copied from the classic catalog on April 29.
- Better handling of requests for multivolume records
- Updated checking of Borrow Direct sources for requests
- Numerous bug fixes in requests system
- Advanced searches now show up correctly on search history page
- Fixed bug where sorting after an advanced search was not working
- Improved readability for availability status when viewing a single item
- Header remains fixed to the top of the screen so selected items count is always visible
- Fixed an IE8 bug where the site was not rendered properly when served over HTTPS
June 2013
- Record currency: Records are copied from the classic catalog on April 29. Further out-of-date holdings should no longer be an issue.
- Suppressed shadow records and the records they point to have been boosted
- Punctuation is removed from the author sort
- Publication year facet no longer contains bad data due to data clean-up and suppression of future dates
- Fixed bug where right-to-left language text was displaying incorrectly
- Fixed bug where Access and Library Location facets were missing records
April 2013
- Record currency: All of our records were copied from the classic catalog in mid-February, and have not been updated. Further, our “Access” and “Library Location” filters sometimes reflect even more badly out-of-date holdings.
- All non-Roman script information is being displayed.
- Archival material displays as “Manuscript/Archive” in the Format facet, though there are still 6-7k “unknown formats.”
- Sort by author is mostly fixed, though it still sorts by leading punctuation.
- Fixed bug in publisher number search
- Fixed bug where display values were jumbled because the record subfields weren’t being displayed in the correct order
- Fixed bug for sorting facets alphabetically
- Fixed bug for previous/next buttons on the selected items page
March 28, 2013
Record currency: All of our records were copied from the classic catalog in mid-February, and have not been updated. Further, our “Access” and “Library Location” filters sometimes reflect even more badly out-of-date holdings.