2017 Release Notes
This website provides information about the development of Cornell University Library’s search interface and catalog. See the release notes below, or review the frequently asked questions.
Feedback or questions? Please email us at cul-dafeedback-l@cornell.edu
December 11, 2017
- Fixed a bug where terms of use link was broken due to special character before ellipsis in record 8637394
December 5, 2017
- Fixed bugs in left-anchored searching
November 28, 2017
- Fixed formatting for Info button on item view
- Fixed a bug where in specific cases, Info button pop-up on item view shows “Full Record” link twice
- Fixed a bug where the ScanIt form was not being pre-populated
- Added ‘citation only’ to citation online type in summon bento
- In search results, only display the first edition statement when there are more than one
- Fixed a bug where uniform title CTS performed title/title search when title/author search was needed
- Fixed a bug where the “note” did not appear to be included in the Relais request when the request is submitted via the catalog
- Added additional Piwik tracking links
- Improved alignment of mobile form elements on Borrow Direct request form
- Fixed a bug where request button was not working for certain library annex requests for serials
- Requesting ScanIt or Interlibrary Loan from the “Other options” request table goes directly to ILLiad instead of loading an intermediary page
- Accessibility improvements
- Added an RSS feed link to search results
- Fixed advanced search bugs
- Fixed a bug where the title of “Groton N.Y.” appears as “Groton N.Y” due to stripping of trailing punctuation
- Changes to Voyager now show up even more quickly in Blacklight
- Updated Borrow Direct success/failure message, and disabled Borrow Direct button after it has been clicked
October 18, 2017
- Fixed a bug where non-Borrow Direct locations were listed as pick-up locations
- Fixed a bug where selecting “Any” in an Advanced Search did an “and” instead of “or”
October 5, 2017
- Fixed a bug where Feedback link on search results was not working
October 3, 2017
- Optimized CSS and Javascript based on Google page speed recommendations
- Updated home page text
- Added advanced search links to single search interface
- Integrated browse options into simple search box
- Removed Browse link from header; added Ask a Librarian link
- Added a ‘Menu’ label to the hamburger icon in the Cornell bar
- Improved the Table of Contents display for long values
- Fixed a bug where changing the number of rows from 1 to 2 when modifying an advanced search threw an error
- Fixed a bug where removing a facet from a one-line advanced search threw an error
- Added display limit of 500 records for export
- Added SAML sign-in
- Added edition and description to all fields search
- Fixed a bug where some special characters displayed as boxes in Chrome on Mac
August 10, 2017
- Added boost for exact title matches with or without leading articles
- Added government identification numbers to publisher number/other identifier search
- Made sure the word “works” is stemmed to “work”
- Added language-specific articles
- “Thor” no longer stems to “the”
- Fixed a bug where simple search isn’t blocking stemming on phrase searches
- Added boost for exact title matches with or without subtitle in search
- Adjust unquoted search manipulation for all-fields, title, and publisher number searches, from all of bento, single, and advanced search
- Fixed a bug where begins-with search thinks the word “and” starts with an “e”
- Removed publication information from linking title fields from title search
August 9, 2017
- Fixed a bug where print availability didn’t display on search results if it was also available online
- Updated Databases Terms of Use code to match Catalog Terms of Use code
- Changed style of non-clickable availability status labels
- Removed links to Classic Catalog and updated home page text
- Moved availability box up on the page
- Added Borrow Direct and Interlibrary Loan links in the header; made Ask and Chat links in the footer more prominent
- Added a Cornell-wide Web Accessibility Help link in the footer
- Removed location/access link titles from “Other forms” box on item view; added “At the Library” to denote print holdings, and updated the style of the Online label
- Removed slight indentation for titles on Digital Collections page
- Fixed a bug where journal title searches displayed as title in the constraint on the results page
- Fixed a bug where special characters were displaying incorrectly in text messages
- Fixed a bug where call number texting failed for many foreign languages
- Removed publication information from linking title fields from title search
- Citations
- Improved Zotero functionality
- Improved display of suggested citations
- Added Council of Science Editors and MLA 8th edition
- Fixed a bug where corporate authors did not display in citations
- Advanced Search
- Fixed a bug where author field labeling was inconsistent between Advanced Search create and Advanced Search modify
- Fixed a bug where removing a facet from Advanced Search threw an error
- Single Search
- Removed Library Websites box
- Added Digital Collections and Research Guides boxes
- Articles & Full Text now searches all formats except newspaper articles
June 26, 2017
- Switched to new, more powerful Piwik installation
- Updated turnaround time for ScanIt service
- Prepped for move to AWS
- Suppressed bound-with link when duplicated by empty items
- Improvements to Borrow Direct connection – timeout; test and production
May 3, 2017
- Update routes for Terms of Use links
- Add links to separate Terms of Use
- Fixed a bug where a colon in a search term through an error
- Add some timing changes
- Updated locations.yml
April 10, 2017
- Single search – only do array work on formats that are arrays
- Fixed bug where display of space craft imaging facility records suppresses request button for other libraries
April 6, 2017
- Added a tooltip to Text link on item view
- Call number search now sorts by call number by default
- Fixed a bug where removing a facet from an advanced search turns OR into AND
- Added spinner to requests interface
- Fixed a bug where only the first page of items are exported when paginating through selected items
- Fixed a bug where OCLC links to the catalog from Worldcat weren’t working
- Now including referring URL from catalog or single search when using Feedback form submissions
- Delineated reserve and other special volumes in the volume select list
- Added accessibility label to publication date slider
- Fixed a bug where holdings public note was not displayed on online holdings
- Fixed item view page width so it isn’t wider than the browser window on small mobile devices
- Fixed alignment of titles in Databases
- Dispelled confusion over whether item 9861849 was in process or checked out (hopefully)
- Fixed a bug where including “%” in a single search fails in Catalog book results
- Moved covers to the right and removed icon covers on search results and item view
- Fixed a bug where the request system wasn’t allowing requests for items whose status was unavailable, while supplemental material was available
- Fixed a bug where entering a space as a term in Advanced Search threw an error
- Fixed a bug where call number simple searches wouldn’t sort
- Updated home page text to include estimated retirement date of Classic Catalog
- Updated search box label in Databases
- Added analytics tracking for single search results
- Added left-anchored search modification to support word truncation
- Fixed bug where begins-with boosting of general title search failed on quoted search
- Added boosting for exact title matches with or without leading articles
- Added Japanese (and possibly Korean) search improvements with new character filter in Solr
- Fixed a bug where searching for “QA76.” produced no results
- Fixed a bug where bib call numbers were not reflected in search
- Fixed a bug where language flags were not being displayed (or likely faceted)
March 1, 2017
- Fixed a bug where previous/next links on an item view were not stepping through results correctly
- Fixed a bug where number of results per page was not preserved when viewing other pages
- Fixed a bug where a call number search was not sorting by call number
February 9, 2017
- Upgraded to Solr6
- Added new display fields: Indexes, Instrumentation, Thesis
- Implemented “begins with” searching
- Reduced stemming behavior
- Enabled donor searching by book plate code
- Normalization for spacing differences in facets
- Fixed a bug where 555 label doesn’t match Classic Catalog
- Initial articles not used for sorting titles in browse
- Addition of LCGFT terms to the genre facet
- Fixed bug where titles with diacritics were incorrectly sorting
January 24, 2017
- Fixed a bug where selecting Recall on a multi-volume item sent you into a volume-select loop
- Changed the font for call number in the Availability box on the item view, for easier reading
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the creation of “back to search” links for searches originating from single search
- Fixed a bug where sort order was not remembered when paginating through results
- Added a session timer prompt
- Added a non-circulating label for items at the Spacecraft Planetary Imaging Facility
- Fixed a bug where certain Aeon requests failed
- Added “skip to search results” for screen readers
- Added email protection through CUWebAuth
- Improved availability calls on search results – only fetch availability for items that are visible, and starting from the top of the page