On Asking Questions and Academic Love

I remember my first forays into question-asking at the CS colloquium in my first semester.  John Riedl told me to have a question ready for every single talk and, if no one else has one, ask it, no matter how good you think it is. This was pretty scary for someone with a music ed undergrad from Ohio State and a fine, but professionally oriented, CS masters from James Madison. So I felt ill-prepared for deep thoughts on talks about phase transitions in the difficulty of 3-SAT problems or statistics questions for Bob Kraut.

But I made the questions, and I asked the questions, and as those who have seen me at conferences can attest, I continue to do so. I’m glad John made me do it; here’s why*.

First, paying enough attention to a talk to make a good question means that I’m actively engaging with the ideas and with the speaker. This, in turn, means I’m not checking e-mail, working on my own slides, making mildly amusing comments on Facebook, or other things that we regularly criticize our students for in the classroom that take us away from the moment and the speaker.

Second, thinking hard about topics, especially ones that aren’t in my comfort zone, can lead to new ideas. I try to go into talks (and papers) with a “what’s in this for me” attitude–what can I learn or use from this talk?  When I do that, almost any talk or topic is interesting, even if I have to do translation work to connect topic X to my own interests**.

Finally, questions are love in academia. I’ve had talks when I’ve gotten two questions, and although I try to tell myself it’s because I’m full of blinding insight, that statement is full of something else. Asking a question says “I cared enough about your work to think hard about it.” We can all use a little more love.***

So, spread the love. Pay some attention and ask some questions. It’s part of being in the community.

A couple of quick notes for new question askers. First, don’t make the question about you. It’s okay to ask hard questions^, and asking good questions can help you be more visible^^, but don’t ask a question just to demonstrate that you’re smart. We’re all smart. Second, don’t make the question about you. Some questions are thinly disguised opinion pieces and/or self-promotion, and we don’t need any more of those.  Third, don’t make the question about you. If you’re taking the ideas into your domain, help bring them back out for the speaker and the audience so they make sense.

On question style, be more like an interviewer than a lawyer. Lawyers often ask yes-no questions, leading questions, and questions where they already know the answer. Usually, those lead to boring answers. So do questions where the answer is likely to be about details that are in the paper but that (probably correctly) got left out of the talk for space^^^.

Instead, shoot for more open-ended questions that give the speaker room and context to breathe and be creative. I don’t have a lot of canned strategies for this, but folks with some humanities/critical/philosophical background often ask nice questions by bringing the topic up an abstraction level. For example, at a talk on how recommender interfaces change opinions, someone asked whether this was a good or bad thing, which was an awesome question that got at the heart of what recommender systems do. It can be fun, done with care, to call attention to an aspect of the topic that’s not focused on in the talk. In the HCI/CSCW world, asking about social implications or compelling applications of technology/systems papers is a common model, as is asking about technical or design implications of experimental or observational studies. Asking about how the ideas fit nearby, related domains or ideas can lead to nice chats. Finally, asking about unexpected things that happened during the study can lead to interesting insights.

Here’s hoping I ask fewer questions at CSCW next week because you pass this on to students and other folks who carry the torch. Thanks for reading and let everyone know if you have strategies (or alternate opinions) around good question-asking.

* A few other folks who have written about this, with extra detail and somewhat different takes, for folks who want to think more about question-asking goals and strategies:

** I really like dodging outside of my topic areas. Although there’s value in and pressure to be deep and a little narrow in academia, there’s also value in being broad and establishing intellectual trade routes.

*** Questions can lead to longer-term conversations later. My first encounter with Jofish Kaye and Janet Vertisi was asking a question at their CHI 2006 talk on personal archiving. Little did I know I’d be hanging out with them at Cornell shortly thereafter, and having gone, thought about their topic, and asked the question paved the way for natural interaction later.

^ Best done gently. I remember someone basically calling someone else a fraud at a machine learning conference once, which put a damper on things.

^^ Especially if you announce your name and institution, which should be a conference norm. At most talks most people won’t know most people, and it’s good for community to announce.

^^^ Methodology questions often have this flavor. If you have a deeper question that depends on method info, go for it, but conversations about big ideas are usually more fun than those about p-values, Krippendorph’s alphas, or algorithm parameters.


On the Road Again…

I’m down in Florida this week, first for my mom’s birthday (happy 2^6th!) and then for a talk at Georgia Tech. These are both things that I’m glad that academic life gives me the flexibility to do, but it got me to reflecting on the travel load of academia and I’d like to hear some stories from other folks.

For me, a more appropriate title for this post might be “On the road again…and again, and again”. I still remember Cliff Lampe telling me that GROUP was his 20th trip in 2007, and another professor recommended that being gone once a month was about the right balance–after having a baby.

I don’t travel much by nature, but last year I upped it to see how a bigger travel schedule would feel. It went something like this: Feb. iConference (Toronto), CSCW (Seattle); Mar. NSF (DC); May CHI (Austin); June SoCS Workshop (Ann Arbor); Aug. WikiSym (Linz); Sept. personal; Oct. CSCW PC meeting + Michigan talk (Ann Arbor), NSF (DC), GROUP (Sanibel); Nov. personal (Jacksonville); Dec. personal (Jacksonville, India).

In the end, most things got done well enough, and I liked the travel overall more than I expected. But I felt out of touch with my teaching, with my home, with my research, and with my department:

  • I missed seven days of class, and though they were covered well, I always hated when professors went missing when I was a student. I also missed a major bit of grading because one of the trips was unexpected.
  • My girlfriend wound up taking care of almost all of the chores and rituals of keeping the home going for 40 days.
  • Paper editing and grant writing got wrapped around the travel in ways that made it feel like I wasn’t thinking hard enough, collaborating well enough, and taking good enough care of students.
  • It was weird to realize that in 2012 I spent more time with Cliff (now at Michigan) than with Steve Jackson (from Michigan, now three doors down from me).

There are lots of good reasons to travel. It’s great to exchange ideas with people you respect and like, to get the word out about your and your collaborators’ stuff, to bring nectar back to the hive, to bring students to the dance, and to be a contributing member of your disciplinary community beyond one’s own papers. There are nice side benefits about being exposed to new situations and cool (or in the case of Ann Arbor, cold) places.

But the flip side is fear: fear that if you don’t travel you’ll fall behind the cutting edge and your peers; fear that you won’t be visible enough to {attract students|get tenure|find collaborators|be recognized}. Trip-taking can also feel calculated and gamelike, as with the idea of the “tenure tour” mentioned at http://academic-jungle.blogspot.com/2010/09/slightly-scary-tenure-stories.html–especially for someone who is not much of a self-promoter (says the person who just started a blog). And, there are the costs described above.

So at the end of the day, I’m trambivalent, and curious how other people feel about it. I’m also interested in hearing how people minimize the costs and maximize the benefits. I don’t have many strategies; the main one is that, as with this week, I try to multi-task (conference + talk, talk + social visit, conference + vacation day) in order to get more out of each physical trip. I also try to space them out so it doesn’t feel like I’m bungee-ing home. Finally, I try to remember that there are diminishing returns on the trips, and that I’m probably okay once I take a reasonable number–whatever that is.