2022 Training Opportunities

The Cornell Dairy Foods Extension Program focuses on supporting the production of safe quality dairy products with specific expertise in microbial spoilage and food safety issues. Our program offers an extensive set of workshops that lead to certificates in fluid milk production, cheese production, ice cream production, and production of yogurt and cultured dairy products.

Many of our course offerings are available as a hybrid online and on-campus for a mixed classroom experience allowing participants to network with others in the dairy industry, as well as a hybrid of online session paired with teleconference sessions to maximize availability and minimize travel cost, and on-site for a more plant-specific training experience. All types of courses allow participants to concentrate on specific topics pertinent to the industry with case studies and exercises designed to apply knowledge. Core courses within our program are offered in a multi-modal format, with 6-8hours of on-line lecture-based content allowing for more a more hands-on focused campus experience.

To further meet the food industry needs, multiple courses focusing on Preventive Controls for Human Food Qualified Individual will continue to be offered in 2022. This course is also available as an on-site training for your workforce.

New courses being offered in 2022 include Intentional Adulteration Vulnerability Assessments/Food Defense, and Artisanal Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts (Advanced Level). Courses returning the training schedule are Environmental Monitoring Programs and Cheese Grading

The 2022 training calendar is available on the Dairy Extension website and includes trainings delivered in Ithaca as well as self-paced online course and hybrid online courses. A course catalogue with detailed descriptions of our Dairy Foods Certificate Program and the associated coursework will be available in early 2022.

Current Certificate Program enrollees may verify their course progress with Program Coordinator, Louise Felker via email at lmf226@cornell.edu. Dairy Extension course credits may also be applied to in-plant Continuing Education programs.

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