I checked with Miguel Gomez at the Dyson School at Cornell to see if there are resources on business and marketing aimed at cut flowers. While there are not, he did suggest some other Extension bulletins that might be helpful. They are aimed at other types of production (berries and broccoli) but the methods and tools might be useful for your cut flower businesses.
- Business Tools for NYS Berry Growers Includes how to do a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) and a tool for analyzing production costs
- Eastern Broccoli Production Enterprise Budgets –Looking over what goes into production of broccoli might help you analyze your own productions costs.
Does anyone else have resources on budget and marketing tools that they have found helpful?
Jenny Marks
On my blog I have an article on calculating enterprise analysis budgets specifically for cut flowers, which can be found here (I just held a free webinar that walked people step-by-step through the enterprise budget analysis last week, sorry to anyone who missed it):