If you are currently experiencing a medical emergency, dial 911 or Cornell University Police at (607) 255-1111 for treatment and evaluation.
Our primary responsibility is the immediate response to all calls for medical assistance on the Ithaca Campus and surrounding areas. CUEMS is assigned to incidents received through the Cornell University Police Department Communications Center. Each year, we respond to approximately 600 calls for service, including minor traumatic injuries, alcohol emergencies, difficulty breathing, and cardiac problems. As CUEMS does not transport patients, we respond to make first contact with patients and begin care prior to the arrival of the incoming ambulance. Alternatively, CUEMS has the ability to complete patient treatment refusal paperwork in the event that a patient decides that an ambulance is not appropriate for their current condition, allowing CUEMS to return an ambulance to service as soon as possible. CUEMS providers serve as liaisons between the University community and Tompkins County emergency medical services, and ensure that patients receive quality emergency medical care.
The CUEMS response area includes all University-owned buildings, properties, and roadways on the Ithaca Campus and surrounding municipalities. CUEMS also offers the ability to provide mutual aid assistance to our neighboring agencies, extending the mission of the University to serve the greater community.
CUEMS operations also include event standby coverage at University events, community training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid, and various safety presentations.