Paul Timms has been a transport researcher for 25 years, involved in various activities across Europe, Asia and Latin America. His main research interests include: Future global mobility scenarios and utopias; Philosophy and history of transport modelling; Interpretation of modelling concepts as literary and artistic concepts; Transferability of transport policies / models between geographical locations; Public participation in transport planning. Current research concentrates upon thinking about long-term futures for transport/mobility and on how narratives of the future are constructed, trying to understand these narratives in terms of metaphors and myths.
Promoting Long-term Large-scale Change in Urban Transport: Ensuring Sustainable Futures
Wednesday September 28, 12:30pm – 2:00pm, 208 West Sibley
Speakers: Drs. Miles Tight and Paul Timms, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds
Miles Tight is a senior lecturer in transport planning at the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds. He has been actively researching safety, equity and sustainability of travel for over 20 years with a particular emphasis recently on sustainability of transport. He is currently leading a large multi-centre project funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) on ‘Visions for the Role of Walking and Cycling in 2030’ – essentially a future look to try to understand the role that these modes could play in creating a more sustainable transport system and a more inclusive society and how they might lead to improvements in individual health and quality of life. Other current projects include ‘Understanding Walking and Cycling’ (EPSRC), ‘Behavioural Response and Lifestyle Change in Moving to Low Carbon Futures’ (Tyndall Centre), ‘IMPACT’ (Implementation Paths for Action towards Sustainable Mobility) (Swedish MISTRA project), and STEP-CHANGE (Sustainable Transport Evidence and modelling Paradigms: Cohort Household Analysis to support New Goals in Engineering design) (EPSRC).
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