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Jade Doskow: Lost Utopias

Man and His World (2012), Doskow’s photo of Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic dome from the 1967 Montreal World’s Fair with solar experimental house, digital c-print

International world’s fairs have left behind some of the most unusual and provocative architecture, art, and landscaping on our planet, but often there are complicated issues of preservation and urban public land reuse surrounding these sites after the fairs close. Since 2007, American photographer Jade Doskow has been photographing what remains after the fairs leave town, illustrating in her large-scale photographs the complexities of how modern life reacts and responds to structures and sites that were often intended to be temporary.

Read more here.


Exhibition runs from March 20–April 10, 2017 | John Hartell Gallery, Sibley Dome

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