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Historic Preservation and Planning: Work Weekend

Every fall, professor Jeff Chusid leads CRP students on weekend fieldtrip to one of the large cities in the region–last year it was New York, this year it was Washington, D.C., and next year it will be Detroit. In the spring, Chusid takes students for the famed HPP work weekend, which gives master’s candidates a chance to experience preservation work firsthand, meet with alumni, and help repair anything from churches to old plantation homes to this year’s castle on the Hudson.
    The gothic revival Lyndhurst Estate was built in 1838 and was home to former New York City mayor William Paulding, businessman George Merrit, and railroad tycoon Jay Gould.  The property is a national trust historic site and open year round–it was also in dire need of some painting and mulching work, which MRP and HPP students were happy to provide.

Read more about HPP here.  All photographs but one by Gabriel Halili, MRP 2015

The crew. Photo by Isaac Robb

The Castle

Evening entertainment: the bowling alley!
The task at hand
Painting the old greenhouse

Painting–the finest meditative work
Where we puttin’ this boss?

The roses are going to love this.

See ya

Published in OCP Archives Uncategorized

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