On Sunday, December 4th, the students of Cornell’s DesignConnect gathered to give their final presentation on the community projects the groups have been working on during the course of the semester. The groups presentation included:
Contamination Map, Ithaca
This team worked with the Ithaca Community Advisory Group to create a map of industrial solvent contamination in South Hill. CRPers on the team included: Vidhee Garg, Lucy Foma, Inna Kitaychik and Marjaneh Mottaghi.
Members of this team worked with Madison County Tourism to design a beer trail that showcases the breweries in Central New York State. CRP members included Marshall McCormick, Jared Mast, and Clay Frickey.
Re-visioning a Suburban Mall, Dewitt
Members of this team worked on re-resigning the site of the a currently underused mall in Dewitt. Members included Eva Birk, Ben Bissell, Desmond Corley, Ben Hale, Ben Koffel, Zeewan Lee, Sarah Luongo and Tim Morzel.
Six Mile Creek Walk, Ithaca
Students in this project worked on making the path along Six Mile Creek more accessible and user friendly. CRPers working on the project included Francis Ho and Bonnie O’Neill.
Design Connect Administrative Team with Teams
Photo Credit: Johannes Kettler