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Urban Transport in the Developing World: Equity and Sustainability Challenges in a Changing Environment

Dinner and Discussion, Saturday, November 11, 2011, 6:00pm, Miller-Heller House

Eduardo Vasconcellos is a Brazilian transportation engineer and political scientist who completed his post-doctoral research with Cornell’s City and Regional Planning program  in 1995. Since then, he has acted as advisor for the Brazilian Public Transport Association. His work has also included urban transport consulting for the Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF) in Latin America and the Volvo Foundation Center in Africa. His book, Urban Transport, Environment and Equity: the Case for Developing Countries, was published in 2001.  This event is sponsored by the Department of City and Regional Planning and the International Planning Students Organization. It is open to the Cornell community. (Information provided by Ben Koffel)

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