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Historic Preservation Planning Alumni Symposium

Challenges and Opportunities in Contemporary Preservation Practice
Friday, November 4, 2011, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 

Image provided by Jeffrey Chusid
This Friday, the Department of City and Regional Planning will be hosting a Historic Preservation Planning Symposium turning a spotlight on the contemporary opportunities and challenges in the preservation field.  The event brings together alumni representing various state agencies, non-profits, and private consulting firms involved with preservation across the country.  “We’re thrilled that Martha Demas, Jeff Cody, and Trudi Sandmeier are arriving from California to take part,” says Jonathan Rusch, the president of Cornell’s Preservation Studies Student Organization, “Martha and Jeff both work on international preservation projects for the Getty Conservation Institute, and Trudi is the newly-appointed program director for the University of Southern California’s graduate program in historic preservation.” The lunch session led by Michael Tomlan and Professor Emeritus John Reps, both of whom have been influential in the field’s development, is another highlight to anticipate.  Throughout the day-long discussion, speakers will address, from various viewpoints, the question of how, or even if, historic preservation can remain a publicly viable enterprise to the numerous stakeholders involved.  Members of the graduate community, as well as, the public are encouraged to attend the symposium.  All questions about the event should be directed to Jonathon Rusch or Professor Jeffrey Chusid.

 9:00am – 9:15am, 157 Sibley Hall  
Introduction: Cornell HPP Alumni in Practice                               

  • Jeffrey Chusid Associate Professor, Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University
  • James Glass ’84, Director, Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer 

 9:15am – 10:45am, 157 Sibley Hall
Panel 1: Non-Profits and Cultural Institutions Face the Next Decade   

  • Ted Alexander ’85, Director, Preservation North Carolina Southwest Regional Office, Mayor of Shelby, North Carolina
  • Julee Johnson ’85, General Manager, Historic Urban Plans
  • Trudi Sandmeier ’00, Associate Professor and Director, Graduate Program in Historic Preservation, University of Southern California
  • Moderator: Samantha Bosshart ’06, Executive Director, Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation
 11:00am – 12:10pm, Hartell Gallery, Sibley Hall
Lunch: A Conversation on the History of Historic Preservation Planning at Cornell, and the Future    
  • John W. Reps ’47, Professor Emeritus, Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University
  • Michael Tomlan ’76, Professor, Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University
  • Moderator: James A. Glass ’84, Director, Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer
 12:20pm – 2:00pm, Kaufman Auditorium, Goldwin Smith Hall (CRP Colloquium)
Panel 2: International Persepctives on Preservation and Conservation
  • Jeffrey Cody ’85, Senior Program Officer, Getty Conservation Institute
  • Martha Demas ’90, Senior Project Specialist, Getty Conservation Institute
  • Michael Tomlan ’76, Professor, Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University
  • Moderator: Jeffrey Chusid Associate Professor, Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University
 2:15pm – 3:45pm, 157 Sibley Hall
Panel 3: Challenges in Rehabilitation and Adaptive Use
  • Carrie Barton ’09, Preservation Specialist/Project Manager, EHT Traceries, Inc.
  • Bonnie Wilkinson Mark ’85, Associate at Delta Development Group, Inc.
  • James Warren ’86, Manager, Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program, New York State Historic Preservation Office
  • Moderator: Trudi Sandmeier ’00, Associate Professor and Director, Graduate Program in Historic Preservation, University of Southern California
 4:00pm – 5:30pm, 157 Sibley Hall
Panel 4: The Futureof SHPOs and Statewide Non-Profits
  • James A. Glass ’84, Director, Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer
  • Andrea Tingey ’92, Principal Historic Preservation Specialist, New Jersey State Historic Preservation Officer
  • Tania Werbizky ’92, Western New York Regional Director, Technical and Grant Programs, Preservation League of New York
  • Moderator: Jonathon Rusch ’12, President, Preservation Studies Student Organization, Cornell University

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