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Advice from Ann Forsyth for New CRP Students

I am on sabbatical for the 2010 to 2011 academic year so I’m not available for office hours or other meetings. However, my personal web site has a section providing advice for students ( This has several parts all relevant to new students interested in the department, physical planning, urban design, and planning education in general.


  • At the top are links to my Planetizen blog, both the complete listing and posts classified by topic (the topical classification often misses the last few blogs but the complete listing has everything). In the upcoming months I’m providing advice on important places, plans, and planning processes as well as my pick of interesting new towns.
  • If you want to see the Sibley Survival Guide (the handbook for planning graduate students) it is here as well as on the main CRP site.
  • I also point out several very useful course lists for both grads and undergrads including one prepared by the Cornell Center for a Sustainable Future.


  • Look here for links to the web sites for my classes. I’m still updating these with student work from last year. Global Cities and Introduction to Physical Planning will both be taught while I am away.


  • This part has a quick overview of major urban design classes at Cornell including those in planning, historic preservation, real estate, and landscape architecture. This is a good basic menu for first year students.


  • Really only one file, this links to my how-to-do-an-exit-project document.

See you in August (2011)! Ann Forsyth

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