It’s been more than 10 years since the Association of Shelter Veterinarians published the original “Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters,” a groundbreaking document founded on the ethical principles of the Five Freedoms and considered the “go to” guide for providing humane care for animals in shelters, rescues, foster homes, and even guide-dog and research facilities. The “Guidelines” are used across North America and have been translated into half a dozen languages, and even incorporated into regulatory language in municipal and state codes.
The ASV is entering its third year of a major revision process to update the document, incorporating new research in animal care and welfare, a renewed focus on behavioral care, and updated practices that reflect shifts in the industry in the last decade. Maddie’s® Shelter Medicine Program (MSMP) faculty are featured below. Dr. Elizabeth Berliner, Janet L. Swanson Director of Shelter Medicine; Associate Clinical Professor, (bottom row, third from left) and Dr. Lena DeTar, Assistant Clinical Professor, (bottom row, left) are among the eighteen authors of the new document, and Dr. DeTar is one of three editors.
The revision authors met earlier this month in San Diego, California to finalize section drafts and create a roadmap for publication, with most attending in-person and a few on zoom. This meeting was the first in-person since the revision kick-off in Atlanta, Georgia, in February 2020. Publication of the 2nd edition of the ASV’s Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters, along with a checklist and reference materials, is expected later this year.
–Information provided by Dr. Lena DeTar, Assistant Clinical Professor