Maddie’s® Fund 2020 Report on Dog and Cat Foster Care in the US Shelters

In February 2021, Maddie’s® Fund conducted an online survey that collected information regarding foster care programs at animal shelters.  The report primarily focused on brick-and-mortar shelters and asked about shelters’ intake and polices, pets sent to foster care, foster caregivers and their selection process, and opinions about foster care.

Average number of pets that went to foster care in 2018 vs. 2020
Average number of pets that went to foster care in 2018 vs. 2020

The results focused on 2020 vs. the data that was collected in 2018. Key results include

    1. Overall, the average number of pets who went to foster care was higher in 2020 versus 2018. There was a 20% increase for cats and a 7% increase for dogs.
    2. The number of active foster caregivers increased 108%. The average number of active foster caregivers for cats and dogs combined in 2018 was 57 and average total in 2020 was 119.
    3. Fewer shelters reported having a foster care program in 2020. In 2018, 875 (88.2%) of the 991 physical shelters reported having a foster program where homeless cats and/or dogs stay in volunteers’ homes for a day or longer. In 2020, 858 (78.7%) of the 1,090 organizations with physical shelters reported having a foster program.

There is a positive trend when it comes to shelters utilizing foster care in 2020, as well as the availability of foster caregivers. A repeat study is planned for 2022.

To read the survey report in its entirety go to:

For more foster care resources visit:

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