We Are Here, Not There

This week marks the beginning of formal classes, with the art students taking art studio with Professor Luana Perilli and the architecture students studying under the guidance of Professors George Hascup and Davide Marchetti. Many students have already become adjusted to the beautiful city of Rome, having arrived several weeks ago to attend the intensive Italian courses with several professors from the language program Italiaidea, who use audio, visual, and interactive elements to teach as much Italian as possible in a two week period. The class was extremely beneficial, allowing students to engage with native Italian speakers in practical situations such as ordering a coffee in a café. Ultimately, the intensive course proved to be very helpful and students were given the option of studying Italian throughout the entire semester.

As we studied the Italian language, we explored the ancient city of Rome, travelling to near sites such as the Colosseum to further areas such as the beautiful beach of Sperlonga, located a mere train ride away. As we walked across the cobblestone paths that lead to stunning architecture, we marveled at the stunning artwork that surrounded us, including fountains created by Bernini, paintings by MichaelAngelo, and historic churches.


Last Saturday, Professor Jeffrey Blanchard led an informative tour around the city, highlighting areas such as the Colosseum and the Teatro di Marcello. The tour, which consisted of both walking and sight-seeing from a bus, allowed for the students to see multiple sites and explore new areas which had not been previously seen. The tour, beginning with a more historical approach, also led to a more sentimental experience as we visited the Catacombs of San Callisto, paying tribute to many individuals who were murdered during WWII. The experience, although solemn, was both moving and informative.

We continued the trip by having a picnic lunch near the Tomb of Cecilia Metella, enjoying a warm sunny day while looking at massive ancient ruins. After finishing our picnic, we continued onto the Spanish Steppes, where we could see an incredible view of the city and the art which embellished it. With such a successful trip, we can only look forward to what future field trips hold in store for us.

