The Team Stratus had a substantial increase in the past 2 days reaching more than 2000 votes into the public survey. When the Intel-Cornell Cup staff asked us to get everyone involved, we start using our social media power, but nothing like that was expected. After our team member Antonio Duarte posted into one Facebook page asking people from Brazil to get involved, the posts start blowing up and here we go!
People in Brazil not just liked our project and are cheering for us, but also are helping us to go further! We would also thank the people from other places who have helped us.
Thank you all, from Team Stratus!
Portuguese Message/Mensagem em Português:
A equipe Stratus gostaria de agradecer muito as pessoas do Brasil que tem dado suporte ao nosso time. Há dois dias atrás estávamos apenas com 6% dos votos e hoje alcançamos 44%. Estamos muito felizes com o apoio e ainda mais motivados para apresentar o nosso projeto na final, no próximo final de semana. Sabemos que o Antonio também representa seu país e daremos o máximo para orgulhar a todos. Muito obrigado, da equipe Stratus.
Links from Brazilian medias supporting us: