Our annual business meeting will be held on Friday, May 12, at 3:00 PM. This will be a hybrid meeting, you can attend in person in Room 214 of the Physical Sciences Building (PSB) at Cornell University, or via zoom. If you are already a member of the local section, you should have received a zoom link by email – please let us know if you need one but do not have it!
Among other agenda items, we will be voting to ratify a new set of bylaws for our local section. Our section’s bylaws were last updated in June, 1981. Clearly there have been some major changes in the world since then, not least the advent of the internet, and our proposed bylaw revisions will help to update our section to make use of modern technology via e.g. electronic balloting for elections, and otherwise streamline operations for modern times, and bring the bylaws into compliance with the modern American Chemical Society. Please be sure to attend if you are able, and make sure your voice is heard!