Hey all, the Ithaca Sciencenter is a local spot that has lots of neat science demonstrations and exhibits. It’s especially geared toward kids, but adults can have a great time looking around to. And the Sciencenter is looking for help.

The Sciencenter’s Chemstations Program is their signature public chemistry program and invites meaningful, hands-on experimentation with wet chemistry activities and experiments. The program is led by local high-school students and runs during the school year (October-June), with recruitment occurring in September and students participating for the full annual cycle. Additionally, and this is where Cornell University in particular has historically played a key role, the high school students are mentored by a current chemistry grad student (or pair of students) who help them learn the content and program, prep materials, and provide ongoing support and guidance as they build their chemistry interest and self-efficacy. There are critically three intended audiences for Chemsations: High school students, grad student mentors, and the visiting public. 

In the past, grand students themselves have been able to help match the Sciencenter up with another interested and committed grad student (often from the same lab group!) to keep the program running but unfortunately, this chain of recommendations has failed this year. As such, the Sciencenter is looking for volunteers. If you’re interested in volunteering for this, please reach out to us, or reach out to Sierra Coathup of the Sciencenter (scoathup AT sciencenter DOT org) to get things moving!

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