First, let me thank everybody for taking the time to vote! I know it wasn’t the most exciting election, with only one candidate per position, but it’s still really good to have people participate in the process. And we had a pretty good response honestly: nearly 30% of our members took the time to fill out a ballot, though some didn’t actually get cast – I’ll have to try to figure out what the problem with that was for next year! Still, we had 40 total ballots collected, which is a good sign that our section is really being revitalized.

So with all that out of the way, please join me in welcoming Mikail Abbasov as our new Chair Elect! And thank you of course for re-electing me (William Katt) as the Secretary of the section. For those who didn’t vote, we encourage you to do so next year. For those who’d like to get more involved with the local section, we’ll be electing a new Chair Elect next year, and will also have the Treasurer and Councilor on the ballot as well. Since we did not succeed in selecting an Alternate Councilor this year, we will probably search for someone to fill that role as well. And, as a reminder, you don’t have to be on the executive committee to get involved. We’ve got numerous committees we’d be delighted to create and fill, and are happy to work with folks in a more ad hoc fashion as well if they’ve got ideas for outreach, improvements to chemical understanding in the area, or other projects that would meet our goals.

With that, keep an eye on this space for upcoming events and announcements. Happy holidays to those who celebrate, and may the new year bring great fortune to all.

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