Ithaca College will be hosting two lectures by M. Stanley Whittingham in mid-October. Dr. Whittingham is a Professor at Binghamton University, in the State University of New York System. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2019, alongside John B. Goodenough and Akira Yoshino, for his pioneering work on the development of lithium-ion batteries. Dr. Whittingham will be presenting two lectures at Ithaca College. The first, on October 19, 4:30 PM, will be a technical talk titled “50 Years Old: What are the Ultimate Limits of Lithium Batteries and How Do We Get There”. The second, on October 21 at 10:30 PM, is titled “Renewable Energy, Energy Storage, and Global Climate Change”, and is meant for a general audience. These lectures are both open to the public. For those in need of assistance, or with any questions, please contact Paula Larsen, Ithaca College Department of Chemistry Administrative Assistant.