April 21, 2015
I saw maples in bloom today! I have a feeling that next week it will be spring in a hurry! Oops – it is already next week and beyond!
This might be IPM for Christmas tree growers, not the trees. Remember that ticks can be out whenever the temperatures are above freezing. They might be hungry after the long winter, so protect yourself.
I’m seeing lots of winter injury – mostly browning and some broken limbs – although not specifically on Christmas trees. It may keep progressing as the days warm up. Check buds to see if they are alive or dead. Also some vole damage on trunks of ornamentals.
I bet you need a new copy of the Cornell Pest Management Guide for Commercial Production and Maintenance of Trees and Shrubs! This year you can get hardcopy, online or a bundle of both from the Cornell Bookstore.
Checking your soil temperatures? Probably not – but when soil temperatures are consistently 50F, white pine weevil adults emerge and within a week are laying eggs – says Sarah Pickel of the PA Dept of Ag. GDD range is 7-58 so it is time to pay attention.
Pales weevil is another early emerging pest – if you grow pines and have fresh stumps for them to lay eggs in (I’m glad to learn that ending a sentence with a preposition is no longer considered wrong – mostly). Removal of the stumps is a good cultural control!
Those 2 insects are gigantic compared to scouting for eriophyid mites. Sarah’s threshold – if 80% of the twig samples you inspect have eriophyid mites, it is time to treat.
My little evergreens that went in last fall have survived the winter – so far! Yes, I know you planted hundreds, and I planted 4 but I am still proud!
Have a great week!