Digital Delivery of Games and Today’s Gamer

PC and mobile gaming consumers have more choices than ever when it comes to the games they want to play. They also have options when it comes to how they get the games onto their preferred system.

It is important to remember with Computer Software, including games, you’re buying a license to use the content, not the content itself. Because of this, there can be restrictions on how you can use it, whether you can resell or gift it and how long you can use it. These terms are not always obvious on the box or digital download site, so make sure to review the “fine print”.
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Tablet – A Comparison of Computing Devices Series (2)

A closer look at the Tablet

 This blog post is referencing home computing trends and is not an official recommendation for CLASSE managed computing. For recommendations on work computing, please submit a service request at

There are a lot of options when it comes to selecting a computing device. In our first article, we provided a brief overview of the top four options.  In this article, we will take a closer look at one of the options, the tablet. We will examine how it has revolutionized the way we go about our day to day business with this powerful tool at our fingertips.
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A Comparison of Computing Devices

This is the first in a series of posts about computing devices at home or that aren’t managed by the CLASSE IT group. We’ll be updating our recommendations on devices, vendors, and other aspects of computing outside the lab environment in this series.

This blog post is referencing home computing trends and is not an official recommendation for CLASSE managed computing. For recommendations on work computing, please submit a service request at

A Comparison of Computing Devices

Today’s shopper has a lot of options when it comes to selecting a computing device. However, they fall into four basic popular categories- tablets, laptops, desktops, and Chromebooks. There are advantages and disadvantages to each, and the type you choose will largely be determined by what you will be using it for (and how mobile you need your technology to be!)
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