Digital Delivery of Games and Today’s Gamer

PC and mobile gaming consumers have more choices than ever when it comes to the games they want to play. They also have options when it comes to how they get the games onto their preferred system.

It is important to remember with Computer Software, including games, you’re buying a license to use the content, not the content itself. Because of this, there can be restrictions on how you can use it, whether you can resell or gift it and how long you can use it. These terms are not always obvious on the box or digital download site, so make sure to review the “fine print”.

Games can be digitally downloaded rather than purchased on a disc.  There are pros and cons to downloaded games.  We will take a quick look at what it means to the gamer when they download a game instead of buying a hard copy.

PC and mobile gaming is now mostly digital delivery (downloaded from the internet). Three well known places to buy games from are Steam, the Android Play store, and for Mac users, the Apple App Store.  One might ask what is so great about the new model of being able to purchase a digital download?

  • You don’t have to drive to a store or wait for the mail to buy and play a new game.  With winter weather that is especially appealing!  Or are you stuck home  on a sick day?  Buy a new game!
  • Updates are managed for you
  • Independent games give more choice and price ranges
  • Early access is often available
  • The ability to try a game before buying is sometimes an option
  • AAA Games are often cheaper or offered on sale at much better prices than in a store.

What’s bad about digital downloading games?

  • You can’t buy or sell used games.
  • Games can be revoked:
  • You may get games updated when you don’t want them updated.
  • You may use up a large part of a limited data plan if you have caps on your Internet use (this is common with mobile and satellite data)

In short, the selection of games available is better than ever before, with thousands available in the independent market as well as the big name games.  Gamers can digitally download, or purchase a hard copy. Either way, the game is theirs to enjoy, and if you know their gamer tag maybe you can join their team!

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