The Value of the CIPA Alumni Network

By Amruta Byatnal ‘16

Coming into CIPA, one of the messages I heard repeatedly was that CIPA alumni would prove to be some of the most helpful people in my career. But it wasn’t until I experienced the energy and support of the alums first-hand that I began to realize how vital the CIPA network would be to my career moving forward.

Professional Development and Alumni Reception [CIPA]Last week, I participated in the CIPA networking event in New York City. Millie Reed, the CIPA Assistant Director for the Office of Career Development, organizes two alumni networking events every year: one in Washington, DC in the fall semester, and one in NYC in the spring. CIPA alumni – old and new- are invited to talk to current students about their career paths, give advice on courses, and share insights about jobs and internships. I went to NYC because I’d been to the DC event in the fall and had found it to be extremely helpful. It’s great to hear alumni share their stories about course dilemmas, hectic schedules and internship searches–all things that we’re facing as current students– and know that in the end, everything is going to be ok!

At the NYC event, we met people representing various sectors of public policy: from consulting firms involved in the public sector, to the many departments within the NYC administration. The day was divided in Professional Development and Alumni Reception [CIPA]three sessions: we first met with alumni from the private sector, then the non-profit and government sectors, and later, enjoyed an open mingling session where we could approach specific people we were interested in speaking with.


The alumni were forthcoming about sharing information on their respective organizations, and offered more than a peak of what life is like after the MPA degree. I know that I can speak on behalf of everyone who attended the event when I say that the alumni were enthusiastic about serving as our mentors. This is going to be a crucial aspect of all of our CIPA journeys!

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