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Cornell University

Energy Engineering Seminar Series (Fall 2021)

Thursday, August 26, 2021 at 12:25 PM

The Energy Engineering Seminar Series, Fall Semester, 2021

Profs Lindsay Anderson, David Hammer and Max Zhang

Thursdays at 12:25 – 1:15 pm (room TBA)

(CHEME 5870, ECE 5870, or MAE 5459)

Are you interested in energy-related topics, such as when (if ever) we might run out of oil, whether fuel cells & energy storage batteries are nearing economic viability, the security and reliability of the power grid, how we might be producing electricity 50 years from now, and what the environmental consequences of energy use are, including impacts on climate? Then consider spending one hour per week during Fall 2021 listening to talks on these and other energy-related subjects at the Energy Engineering Seminar Series. Seminar speakers will be distinguished practicing engineers and executives from industry, other universities and government, as well as Cornell faculty members from several departments.

Here is a partial list of speakers in Spring 2021 to give a flavor of the range of Energy Seminar topics:

Mr. Jim Lyons, successful venture capital investor and Cornell grad; Clean Tech Investing Susana Kass, Co-Founder, InfraPrime; Energy Fellow, Stanford; Net Zero Data Center Energy Professor Natalie Mahowald, EAS; What Must Happen to Reach Low Climate Targets? Dr. E. Michael Campbell, Director, Laboratory of Laser Energetics; Laser Fusion Professor Jeff Tester, CBE; member NAE; Cornell’s Earth Source Heating Project


Students wishing to attend most or all of the weekly Energy Seminars are encouraged to preregister for CHEME 5870, ECE 5870 or MAE 5459, 1 credit, S/U (or letter grade). You will be asked to attend at least 9 seminars and turn in 9 (13) brief summaries to receive a grade of S (letter grade of A).  Students may also wish to attend one or more lunch-time discussion sessions with the speakers immediately following the seminar if their schedules permit.  These lunches will be arranged, and are sponsored, by the Cornell Energy Systems Institute (