Peng Chen

    Peter J.W. Debye Professor of Chemistry

    Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology

    Cornell University

    Ithaca, NY 14853-1301


    782A ST Olin Chemistry Wing

    607-254-8533 (o); 607-255-4137 (f)

    Google Scholar

    ResearcherID: B-2756-2010

    ORCID: 0000-0001-8582-7661


    Associate Editor, Chemical & Biomedical Imaging, ACS


Academic Appointments

7/2013 –   Peter J. W. Debye Professor of Chemistry, Cornell University
1/2013 –   Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University
2011 – 2012   Associate Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University
2005 – 2011   Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University


Education and Training

2004 – 2005   Postdoctoral Fellow, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University
Advisor: Prof. X. Sunney Xie. Field: Single-Molecule Biophysics
1998 – 2004   Ph.D. (Jan 8, 2004), Chemistry, Stanford University
Advisor: Prof. Edward I. Solomon. Field: Bioinorganic/Physical Inorganic Chemistry
Thesis: “Spectroscopic Definition of Electronic Structure Contributions to O2 and N2O Activation by Mononuclear, Binuclear, and Tetranuclear Copper Sites in Biology”
1997 – 1998   Teaching and Graduate Research Assistant, University of California, San Diego
Advisor: Prof. Yitzhak Tor. Field: Organic Chemistry
1993 – 1997   B.S., Chemistry, Nanjing University, China
Advisor: Prof. Jianyi Shen. Field: Physical Chemistry


Selected Honors and Awards

2024   ISE-Elsevier Prize in Experimental Electrochemistry
2024   Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2019   Chemical Pioneer Award
2018   Fellow, American Association for the Advancenement of Science
2018   Bau Family Award in Inorganic Chemistry
2017   Visiting Professor in the Debye Chair, Utrecht University
2016   Excellence in Catalysis Award, Catalysis Society of Metro NY
2014   Finalist, Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists
2014   Early-Career Award in Experimental Physical Chemistry, ACS PHYS Division
2014   Coblentz Award
2011   CAPA Distinguished Junior Faculty Award
2010   Paul D. Saltman Memorial Award
2009   Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow
2007   NSF Career Award
2005   Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award


Selected Named/Special Lectureships

2024   MilliporeSigma Lecture, St. Louis University
2023   Chemistry Honors Program Lecture, Kent State University
2019   Brian Bent Lecture, Columbia University
2018   Sessler Distinguished Alumni Lecture, Stanford University
2017   Catalysis Forum Lecture, DICP, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2013   Honorable Lecture, Applied Chemistry Lecture Series, CIAC, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2013   Lester S. Andrews Lecture, Mississippi State University


Selected Special Invitation Conference Lectures

2024   Keynote, Symposium on Catalysis for Sustainability, 12th Singapore International Chemistry Conference
2024   Keynote Speech, Future Science Prize Symposium
2024   Keynote Lecture, 1st International Symposium on Chemical and Biomedical Imaging
2020   Keynote Lecture, 71st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry
2019   Keynote Lecture, 18th Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis
2019   Keynote Lecture, 16th Conference on Methods and Applications of Fluorescence (MAF 2019)
2019   Keynote Lecture, 5th International Conference on Energy Conversion and Storage (5th ICECS)
2019   Keynote Lecture, International Bunsen Discussion on Probing Chemical Reactions by Single-molecule Spectroscopy
2018   Keynote Lecture, 14th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference (EuroBIC-14)
2018   Plenary Lecture, IBS Symposium on Nanomaterials and Spectroscopy, KAIST, South Korea
2018   Plenary Lecture, Symposium of the Center for Chemical Dynamics in Living Cells, Chung-Ang University, South Korea
2018   Plenary Lecture, 6th International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy
2015   Keynote Lecture, Lorentz Workshop on Proteins and Beyond
2015   Plenary Lecture, 17th International Symposium on Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis (ISHHC17)
2014   Plenary Lecture, 69th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy
2013   Keynote Lecture, Frontiers in Materials Science, University of Rochester
2012   Plenary Lecture, 4th International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy
2010   Keynote Lecture, Lorentz Workshop on Seeing Enzymes in Action
2010   Headline Invited Speaker, Faraday Discussion Meeting: Spectroscopy, Theory and Mechanism in Bioinorganic Chemistry
2010   Keynote Lecture, Chemical Biophysics Symposium, University of Toronto
2008   Plenary Lecture, International Copper Meeting: Copper and Related Metals in Biology