Single-Molecule Chemistry Group


July 2024:

  • Peng is selected as the winner of 2024 ISE-Elsevier Prize in Experimental Electrochemistry from the International Society of Electrochemistry for “for pioneering development of techniques allowing for in-operando single-molecule, single-particle and single-reaction imaging represents a truly qualitative advance in experimental electrochemistry. His development of super-resolution microscopy to image reactions at the nanoscale on catalysts is fascinating and highly relevant for catalysis research.” See official announcement here.
  • Ming’s blog post on Spring Nature Research Communities.
  • Cornell Chronicle highlights Ming’s work: “A touch of gold has extra reach in degrading micropollutants.”
  • Ming’s paper in developing a new imaging technique, adCOMPEITS, and using it to discover long-range adsorption enhancement on metal-cocatalyst-promoted photocatalyst appears online in Nature Catalysis. See pdf.

June 2024:

  • We welcome Yujie Chen, an undergrad from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, in joining us for summer research this summer.

May 2024:

  • Congratulations to Ming on the “acceptance in principle” by Nature Catalysis of his paper on “Long-range enhancement of micropollutant adsorption on metal-promoted photocatalysts.” Ming is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the National University of Singapore.

Apr 2024:

  • The group celebrated Udit and Paul’s winning of graduate awards!!
  • Peng is elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. See academy’s announcement and Cornell’s news press.
  • Congrats to Paul on being selected as one of the winners of 2024 Howard Neal Wachter Memorial Prize, which honors our Department’s best third and fourth year physical chemistry students.
  • Congratulations to Udit on being selected as one of the winners of the 2024 Tunis Wentink Prize, our department’s highest graduate student award!
  • Youngchan and Peng raced in the 10K of the 41th Skunk Cabbage Classic 10K & HM!
  • We welcome Dr. Shasha Guo joining us as a new postdoc. Shasha did her PhD in Materials Science & Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

January 2024:

Archived News