Alumni from 2016

Peter Ajayi

Faculty mentor: Maurine Linder
Research: Purification of DHHC20 by Strep Affinity Chromatography

Bukola Anifowashe

Faculty mentor: Hening Lin
Research: In-vitro Testing of Malic Enzyme 2 Activity in the Presence of Coenzyme-A

Felix Blanco

Faculty mentor: Stephen Lee
Research: Translation of 4D Crystals to 3D Crystals with Pseudo-Fivefold Symmetries

Kendall Clark

Faculty mentor: Richard Cerione
Research: Investigating Inhibitors of Growth for Transformed kRAS cells

Natavia Crandall

Faculty mentor: Christopher Alabi
Research: Evaluation of Exofacial Thiols in Cells

Salomon Djakpa

Faculty mentor: Chris Schaffer
Research: Detecting Electrical Signals in the Heart Using Voltage Sensitive Fluorescence

Hendryck Gellineau

Faculty mentor: Justin Wilson
Research: Cobalt(III) Bis(thiosemicarbazones) as Therapeutic Agents in Hypoxic Environments

Zaria Holcomb

Faculty mentor: Matthew Paszek
Research: The Impact of Mucins at the Membrane Level in Breast Cancer

Gerickson Lopez

Faculty mentor: Brett Fors
Research: Novel Organic Cathodes Towards Next Generation Energy Storage

Makeda Lynch

Faculty mentor: Jack Freed
Research: Probing Cell Membrane Dynamics

Grace Marcelo-Ramirez

Faculty mentor: Brian Crane
Research: Determining the Structure of a Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS)

Alexis Martell

Faculty mentor: Margaret Frey
Research: Smart Fabrics: Treating Cotton Fabrics with Thermoresponsive Polymers

Nancy Mejia

Faculty mentor: Ben Cosgrove
Research: Western Blotting for Quantifying Protein Signal Transduction

Shannan Moore

Faculty mentor: Dave Collum
Research: Lithium Evans Enolates

Ricky Narvaez

Faculty mentor: Natasza Kurplos
Research: Hyaluronan Drives Asymmetric Gut and Vascular Development

Sara Nedessa

Faculty mentor: Melissa Hines
Research: Understanding Molecular Bonding on TiO2

Ijeabalim Nnachetta

Faculty mentor: Larry Bonassar
Research: Aerin Medical: Radiofrequency Sub-Ablation on Bovine Ear Cartilage

Ariana Otto

Faculty mentor: Marjolein van der Meulen
Research: Loading-Induced Osteoarthritis (OA) in Mice Knee Joints

Brittney Zamot

Faculty mentor: Chris Fromme
Research: Cloning Sec7 for Crystallization Trials

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