Alumni from 2015

Jazmin Aguilar-Romero

Faculty mentor: John Marohn
Research: Challenges to Measuring Resistivity in CH3NH3PbI3 Films

Linda Asare

Faculty mentor: Hening Lin
Research: Regulation of Trifunctional Enzyme by Lysine Succinylation

Vanessa Chicas

Faculty mentor: Peng Chen
Research: Modulation of Regulator Unbinding Kinetics

Lovette Ekwebelem

Faculty mentor: Ailong Ke
Research: The Study of the CRISPR-CasSystem

Evodie Ganjwa

Faculty mentor: Natasza Kupios
Research: Studying L-R Asymmetry in Terms of the Small Intestine

Emily Hernandez-Avila

Faculty mentor: Barbara Baird
Research: Juxtamembrane domain mutation in EGFR R1-6

Tonieh Ingram

Faculty mentor: Yimon Aye
Research: How does environmental stress affect the growth of E. coli cells?

Christine Jasmin

Faculty mentor: Will Dichtel
Research: Moving Towards Sustainable, Repairable Crosslinked Polyurethanes

Taylor Jordan

Faculty mentor: Dave Collum
Research: Kinetic Resolution of Racemic N, N, N‘, N‘-Tetramethylcyclohexanediamine (TMCDA)

Rosario Majano

Faculty mentor: Iwijn De Vlaminck
Research: Whole Blood Dilution for Improving Hemolysis-free Blood Separation

Monica Moore

Faculty mentor: Hening Lin
Research: The Relationship Between Sirtuin Enzymatic Activity and Lysine Fatty Acylation

Nathaniel Pineda

Faculty mentors: Chris Schaffer and Nozomi Nishimura
Research: Cortical Microvascular and Inflammatory Effects of High Fat Diet Consumption

Laura Pineda-Bermudez

Faculty mentor: Brian Crane
Research: Bacterial Flagellar Motor and the Switch Complex & Neurospora crassa Circadian Clock

Marc-Anthony Rodriguez

Faculty mentor: Larry Bonassar
Research: Differential MHC Class Receptor Expression in In Vitro Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells is Mediated by Properties of Scaffold Material

Samuel Rodriguez

Faculty mentor: Brian Crane
Research: Bacterial Flagellar Motor and the Switch Complex & Neurospora crassa Circadian Clock

Madisen Swallow

Faculty mentors: Chris Schaffer and Nozomi Nishimura
Research: Cortical Microvascular and Inflammatory Effects of High Fat Diet Consumption

Aboubacar Wague

Faculty mentor: Stephen Lee
Research: Understanding metallic crystals with 4-D

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