Resources for trainees


Basic Immunology (BIOMS 4150) 
Taught every fall semester, undergraduates and graduate students welcome.
Advanced Immunology (VETMI 7050) 
Taught every even spring semester, undergraduates and graduates welcome.
Advanced Work in Immunology and Microbiology (VETMI 7070) 
Offered every odd spring semester, undergraduates and graduates welcome.
JOURNAL CLUB: Special Topics in Microbiology and Immunology (VETMI 7230) 
Held every semester, Wednesdays 4-5pm. 
Undergraduates and graduate students from any field welcome to enroll (1 cr.)
Seminars in Infection  and Immunity (VETMI 7120) 
Held every semester, Fridays 12:15-1:15 
Undergraduates, graduate students, post-doctoral associates/research associates, and faculty welcome
Post Doctoral Associates Work-In-Progress, Ithaca campus 
Held every first Wednesday, 12:15-1:15 in Lecture Hall 3
Please for more information

If you are interested in joining a graduate program, please apply to these following programs: 

Ithaca campus (Ithaca, NY): 

Biomedical and Biological Sciences Program (Immunology and Infectious Diseases minor)
Biomedical Engineering 
Plant Pathology
Ecology and Evolution 

Weill-Cornell Campus (New York, NY) 

Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis 
Cell and Developmental Immunology 
Tri-Institutional Program (MD-PhD) 

Post-Doctoral positions: 

If you are seeking a post-doctoral position, please contact the faculty member directly stating your interest.

Careers Beyond Academia:

Focusing on Careers Beyond Academia, we provide flexible, experiential, empowering opportunities to help PhDs and postdocs make informed career choices by exploring and test-driving aspects of their future careers. Funding is available for participants who would like to create their own activity. We also curate a list of courses and workshops that welcome PhD students interested in developing skills in business and management, policy or communication. At you will find out how to get involved, explore and test-drive a career.