by Brooke Shaffer and Danielle Cook
This winter, SNAP-Ed Nutritionist, Brooke Shaffer, reached out to local schools: Odessa-Montour Junior/Senior High School, Hanlon Elementary, and BC Cate to provide nutritional education to their students.
In November of 2023, Brooke joined forces with Ms. Antonio at Odessa Montour Junior/Senior High School to offer bi-monthy nutrition and cooking classes. Through the “Cooking Matters for Chefs and Kids” curriculum, students improved their cooking skills, trying out new recipes while simultaneously focusing on kitchen safety.
In addition to high school students, Brooke has been working with younger children through the BC Cate and Hanlon 21st Century REACH Afterschool Program. This program has utilized the “CATCH Kids Club Curriculum” to educate students about healthy eating, food groups, and physical activity. Each class has included an activity to reinforce their lesson of the day so that students can share their nutrition education with others.
Both programs will continue through the duration of the school year and are set to strengthen the students’ skills with each lesson.