Communicating with children

Telephone GameAlways, not just during the challenging times we are currently facing, effective communication is a key role to parenting our children. Know what to say, how to say it and what words to avoid! Plus, a fun activity for you and your child to do.

  1. Here are some useful and insightful parent pages about using effective communication. Take a moment to answer the questions in the “thankful letters”. One is for you to fill out for your child and one for them to fill out to you.   Have fun with this activity. Doing activities such as the “thankful letters” is a great way to open the doors to communication and conversations. The conversations may begin as light, everyday topics and lead into more pressing issues, fears or thoughts your child may be experiencing.   The first step is to break those boundaries and open those doors. Try the activity!

Click Title for pdf on Parents Can Use Active Listening article

Click Title for pdf on Stop And Go Words article

Brought to you by:
Paula Goodrich
Parenting Educator Home Visitor