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Woodland Owners

Yours for the Asking!

A FREE, No-Obligation Visit From a
Master Forest Owner Volunteer

All Master Forest Owner (MFO) volunteers are graduates of a 4-day training program where they learn about sawtimber and wildlife management, woodland economics, and ecology. MFO’s continue their education by receiving refresher classes and information updates from professional resource managers and researchers. MFO’s do not perform management activities nor give professional or technical advice. However, they can meet with you to help you consider your management options and to direct you sources of professional assistance to help you meet the goals you have for your woodland.

Depending on your needs, an MFO volunteer can help you learn how to:

  • Understand the pros and cons of various timber marketing alternatives
  • Define your goals for managing your woodland property
  • Evaluate the property’s potential for satisfying your goals
  • Develop a stewardship management plan for the property
  • Identify tree species
  • Measure volume and estimate value of standing timber

In addition, the MFO volunteer will provide you with samples of educational publications, guide you to sources of information (web sites, publications, etc.), and refer you to other agencies and organizations that can provide technical assistance.

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