Welcome back! For week 8, I’ve been doing a lot of data analysis with descriptives and correlations! This has been a work in progress for a couple of weeks, but it has been nice to delve deeper into analysis and to understand what the data means. It’s particularly interesting to see how the presentation of information in our intervention affects people’s memories, particularly of the gist, or bottom-line meaning, compared to the verbatim, or literal details, of the information presented. By extension, this can aid in understanding and combating misinformation to promote behaviors such as vaccination. Also, I have been able to observe several patterns in the data, such as how people’s values about information in general relates to their behavioral intentions and perceptions of risk. Rather than just presenting the data, through this analysis, I learned more about how to apply my knowledge to interpret the data. I am looking forward to the next analyses to observe whether there are any significant differences pre and post the intervention. Stay tuned for updates!