Welcome back!
This week, I focused on working on my summer presentation and wrapping up any last projects I started working on this summer. I finished creating the revised GLTTP evaluation on Qualtrics. Hopefully, there will be no problem doing the survey after distributing it to the curriculum participants. Besides that, I did a few more interviews for the interview and plan to finish the article by next week. Lastly, I have been mostly working on my presentation, finalizing the slides to summarize what I have learned throughout the summer. Mainly working with literature review and reading Professor Casasola’s textbook, I inserted some interesting studies and takeaways that I have learned. For example, I put in Yuko Munakata’s studies, the benefits and drawbacks of media on a child’s development, language development, social development, and the general important characteristics of parenting. My supervisor, Monica Gopaul, went to a retreat in Ithaca, so I have mainly been working on my own presentation. Next week, I will update you on how the presentation went, and finish of the article providing an outline of what the GLTTP program is.