Week 7

Hello, welcome to Week 7! This week, I had a chance to delve into analyzing the data more by running correlations. It was interesting to observe the different relationships such as how beliefs in conspiracy theories correlates with behavioral intentions to get vaccinated for the flu and COVID-19. The predictions also help to check my work and ensure that all the coding was accurate. For example, where the correlation is negative when one would expect a positive relationship, or vice versa, would indicate an issue with the coding. This task reminded me to pay more attention to these small details as it has the potential to affect a lot more. Additionally, as I am still familiarizing myself with Fuzzy Trace Theory, running correlations was also enlightening in regards to the theoretical background as it allowed me to see relationships between variables that I would not have expected, but are predicted by the theory. I’m excited to run more analyses and see how I can build on them to understand the theoretical underpinnings behind people’s health decisions, especially for vaccines, to improve their decision making. See you next week with new updates!