by John Pirrung [jap448]
Hello Readers,
This week has involved me narrowing down some more specific elements of the project, especially in regards to the website we’re trying to build. I managed to have some meetings with our friends in IT and now we have a solid roadmap for the next few weeks. I’m currently working on taking the data tables we have in excel and converting them into html so that they can be added to the website source code, and while I’m doing that, my coworkers are adding new subpages on the website for the tables to be displayed in. I’m over halfway through, and only have a few more tables to convert, so I’m hoping to have the code all ready by the end of the week. Ideally we’ll be able to see the tables on the website next week, which will let us tweak some things for formatting and finally publish the site. We’re also planning on making an instructional video in the future that explains how to use and navigate the tables, with the hope that we can embed the video onto the website as well. Once these subpages are live and the content is visible, we’ll be able to share the link in our publications so people can see the site for themselves and use it to help guide their weed management decisions.
In the meantime, I’m still slowly chipping away at our printable fact sheets (which share some of the same tables as the website). I’m mostly just ironing out comments and ensuring our citations are accurate, so these sheets have been put on the backburner while I focus on the website. I also wrote up an article for our local Ag Newsletter that included a bit of a bio about me and the project, as well as a short survey we made in year 1 that we’re repeating this year. Once that newsletter is published I’ll see if I can get a link and share it next week.
I’ve attached some photos that show the table editor and the html code that it generates: