These two weeks consisted of browsing an architectural database my advisor provided me and forming my final presentation. The database I used was full of innovative, interesting, and environmentally friendly designs that contain ideas that could be translated to the barn. After scanning through the database for designs that had feasible implementations to the barn, I collected and organized them into a slideshow to talk to my advisor about. Although I learned that many of them proved to be difficult and not worthwhile to look into further, there were a few that could work. For example, using photovoltaic (PV) shingles for the roof could generate electricity without the bulky exterior of solar panels. Or, window overhangs that block out the summer sun but allows the winter sun in could also be PV, tackling many issues at once and providing a great benefit. Finally, I organized everything I’ve done into a presentation to talk to my mentor about what the barn’s problems are, how they could be addressed, and extra ideas that could further transform the barn into the most energy efficient building possible.