Week 10

Hello, and welcome to the final week! It has definitely been a fun and rewarding experience, and it seems like the time has flown by! This week, I have been running ANOVAs to examine whether the intervention influenced intentions and behavior about health-related measures. In interpreting these results, I’ve also looked at the descriptives, which was one of the first analyses I did for this project. Using the two in conjunction helps me make better sense of the results as it allows me to understand the patterns underlying certain results. This experience has afforded me the opportunity to hone these analytical skills and move forward with the project to make more progress than what is possible from only working on it during the academic year. I was able to learn a lot and am excited to continue with this project. Due to the importance of vaccination, especially for adolescents who are key drivers of spread and contact, using these interventions to present information in a specific manner to better reach audiences will be helpful. Considering how the flu, and now COVID, are recurring, such research endeavors are of great significance to help protect the more vulnerable populations by getting adolescents to vaccinate. This has been a great learning experience and I am enthused to continue to see what I find!