Welcome back to my blog! This week I worked on getting our survey ready for data collection and recruitment. In doing so, I was better able to see the different kinds of factors that play a role in people’s health decisions and behaviors. Being able to understand these connections and how they interact with each other, particularly in the formation of people’s beliefs and knowledge is important, especially going forward with the project. With how relevant the topic of vaccines is currently, learning more about how people’s beliefs influence their intentions and behavior to vaccinate will be important in creating interventions to better inform the public of their decisions. As adolescents’ decisions to get vaccinated or not have important ramifications in terms of spreading the virus to other more vulnerable population groups[AS1] like older adults and children, I look forward to getting a chance to analyze the data we collect! On a broader level, while working on this project, I’ve also learned how important organization is to these projects and how to present information in a clear way without sacrificing detail. Being able to learn these useful skills has been rewarding, and I look forward to greater progress in the coming weeks!