Caregivers (3rd Thursday, 3 PM on Zoom, 1/mo in-person TBD)

The Caregivers Group is for anyone who is currently, has, or may in the future, provide care for someone else.  At our meetings, we share our experiences and knowledge of navigating caregiving for someone else.  We also help each other find resources, workshops and other types of information regarding caregiving.  

This group meets via Zoom the 3rd Thursday of each month from 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm to catch up on our current caregiving circumstances.  We also meet in-person another time each month.  We announce in-person meetings several weeks in advance as we learn of local in-person and online workshops for caregiving.  If there are none, we will meet for ice cream or lunch somewhere in Ithaca instead.

Contact: Linda Glabach; or Rochelle Woods;



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