Book Group III (3rd Monday, 8 PM)

Participants meet for lively literary discussions. After meeting via Zoom for three years post pandemic, we got back to a number of in person meetings last year. We choose Zoom for a couple of winter meetings, but it was great to all be back together. We hope to meet mostly in person this coming year, though we will default to Zoom if weather is bad or we don’t have a volunteer host.  We usually have a volunteer to lead the review, which lasts for an hour to an hour and a half or so, with everyone having a chance to participate in the discussion. The review usually consists of author information and questions to get our discussion going! In January we restarted our international themed dish-to-pass dinners (based on the location for the book chosen for that month), followed by book discussion. Monthly book selections are chosen for the year in advance (in June), and are based upon member suggestions and votes. We read fiction, non-fiction and memoirs/biographies and our books are less than 400 pp, except our Summer book, which can be over 400 pp. Our books have been chosen for 2024 – 2025. Come join us!

Contact: Laura Andolina;



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