10 Creative Ways to Engage Youth Outside this Spring and Summer

In a world where screens often dominate attention, finding creative ways to engage youth outside is more important than ever. Fortunately, the great outdoors offers a variety of opportunities for adventure, exploration, and imagination. From high-tech treasure hunts to low-tech water balloon battles, there’s something for every young adventurer to enjoy under the open sky. Let’s dive into ten exciting outdoor activities guaranteed to offer something for everyone, and hopefully get the entire family out into the fresh air.

  1. Geocaching: Combine technology with outdoor exploration through geocaching, a real-world treasure hunting game. Using GPS coordinates on a phone or tablet, participants search for hidden containers, or “geocaches,” filled with trinkets and treasures. Geocaching encourages problem-solving skills, teamwork, and a sense of adventure as players get outside and get moving in search of hidden caches. Once found you add your name to the log, and place the cache back where you found it for the next treasure hunter to find.
  2. Treasure Hunts: Put a classic spin on outdoor exploration with a traditional treasure hunt. Create maps, riddles, and clues leading participants on a quest to discover hidden treasures in nature. Whether it’s a scavenger hunt in the backyard or an expedition through a local park, treasure hunts inspire curiosity and encourage participants to engage with their surroundings in new and exciting ways.
  3. Pokémon GO: Transform the great outdoors into a vibrant playground with Pokémon GO, a popular game that blends digital creatures with real-world environments. Players explore their surroundings, discover virtual Pokémon, and engage in friendly battles with friends and fellow trainers. Pokémon GO promotes physical activity, exploration, and community engagement as players embark on quests to catch ’em all.
  4. Hiking: Lace up your boots and hit the trails for a beautiful hike in nature. Whether it’s a light stroll through local woods or a challenging hike up a rugged mountain peak, hiking offers a wealth of physical and mental benefits for youth. From observing wildlife to taking in new and beautiful sites, hiking provides opportunities for discovery, reflection, and adventure in the great outdoors.
  5. Sports: Get active and unleash your competitive spirit with outdoor sports and games. From soccer and basketball to Frisbee and pickleball, there’s a wide range of team sports and recreational activities to enjoy in the fresh air. Make up a new game together as a family and build your rules as you go. Just getting out, getting moving, and sharing a laugh can be the goal. Sports promote physical fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanship while fostering friendships and building confidence in young athletes. They can also promote new ways to laugh and find joy!
  6. Tie Dye & Bleach Dye: Tap into your creative side and add a splash of color to outdoor adventures with tie dye and bleach dye projects. Set up a crafting station in the backyard or at a local park and invite youth to design and dye their own t-shirts, bandanas, or tote bags. Whether it’s swirling vibrant hues with traditional tie dye techniques or experimenting with bold patterns using bleach on an old t-shirt or sweatshirt you want to change up, dye projects inspire self-expression and artistic exploration in an outdoor setting.
  7. Water Activities: Beat the heat and make a splash with exhilarating water-based activities. Whether it’s kayaking, paddle boarding, or cooling off with a refreshing swim, water offers endless opportunities for adventure and exploration in the heat of summer and spring. In addition to traditional water sports, don’t forget the simple joys of running through sprinklers, engaging in epic water balloon battles, or blasting friends with water cannons. These playful activities encourage laughter, teamwork, and creativity while providing relief from the summer heat.
  8. Birdwatching: Discover the wonders of life through birdwatching.  Youth can use binoculars, field guides, and bird identification apps on their phones (like the Cornell app Merlin), then set out on a birding adventure to observe feathered friends in their natural habitats. Whether it’s spotting colorful songbirds in gardens or observing raptors soaring overhead in nature reserves, birdwatching offers a rewarding opportunity to connect with wildlife and foster an appreciation for the natural world.
  9. Gardening: Cultivate green thumbs and nurturing spirits through gardening projects. Set up a vegetable patch, flower bed, or herb garden in the backyard or at a community green space and invite youth to get their hands dirty planting, watering, and caring for plants. Gardening teaches valuable lessons about responsibility, patience, and environmental stewardship while providing tangible rewards in the form of fresh produce, vibrant blooms, and a sense of accomplishment.
  10. Stargazing: Turn your gaze skyward and marvel at the wonders of the cosmos with an evening of stargazing. Find a dark, open area away from city lights, spread out a blanket, and watch as the stars twinkle overhead. Use a telescope or simply rely on the naked eye to identify constellations, planets, and shooting stars. Stargazing fosters a sense of awe and wonder, sparking curiosity about the universe and our place within it.

Embrace the great outdoors and ignite a sense of wonder and excitement in youth with these engaging outdoor activities. Whether it’s discovering hidden treasures, embarking on epic adventures, or unleashing creativity in nature, outdoor play offers endless opportunities for fun, learning, and growth.

So, grab your gear, gather your friends, and get ready to embark on unforgettable outdoor adventures that will inspire a lifelong love of nature and exploration.

Enjoy the Outdoors,


Resources to help you get started are below:









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