Blueberry: Mummy berry

Mummy Berry Shoot Blight

Mummy berry fungus can infect leaves. Following infection, leaves become necrotic and are covered with powdery masses of gray spores during wet weather.

Young blueberry shoot wilting near the tip. Stem just below the tip is purple-brown, and discoloration extends into adjacent leaves.

Wilted blueberry shoot with dark patch of discoloration along stem and leaf. Discoloration begins at leaf base and travels up leaf along veins.

These primary shoot blight infections occur when spores are rain splashed and wind carried from mushrooms cups developing from mummfied fruit on the ground under bushes.

Severely decayed blueberry with small fungal bodies emerging from surrounding ground. Fungus is mushroom-shaped but has a hole at the center of the cap.
Mummified blueberry and fruiting bodies of mummy berry fungus.

Severely decayed blueberry on ground surrounded by fruiting bodies of fungus. Fungus is semi-translucent, brown and salmon tinged when sunlight shines through it. Fungal bodies are unfurled, are Y-shaped with recurved edges.

Mummy Berry Fruit Infection

Mummy berry infected fruits shrivel and turn pink. They are inedible. Mummified fruit drop to the ground prematurely. These overwinter to cause primary leaf infections the following spring.

Cluster of ripe and ripening blueberries. Several berries are blue in color but very small and shiveled.

Cluster of ripe blueberry fruit. Numerous berries are shrunken and shriveled. Shriveled berries are either gray-blue, or blue with orange-colored sections.

Cluster of ripe and unripe blueberries held in hands. Several berries in cluster are shriveled, and one has striped appearance when viewed from above from blossom end. Striped berry has alternating streaks of dark blue and pale, pithy orange.

Stripy looking blueberry held in hands. Blueberry peel has turned pithy and orange in color. The peel has been partially removed to show deep blue-black flesh of berry.


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