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Cornell Fruit Resources: Berries

Resources for Commercial Berry Growers

Online Raspberry Substrate Course

In February 2020, the New York State Berry Growers Association organized a

showing course instructor
Dennis Wilson assisting growers at the strawberry substrate workshop in February.

strawberry substrate workshop, held live in Ithaca NY. The course was taught by Dennis Wilson, an experienced berry horticulturalist from the UK. Participants found the workshop to be very informative, and expressed interest in similar future programs. Dennis is now planning to teach an online raspberry substrate course for Nova Scotian growers in January, and has received permission from the organizers to allow other participants to join the virtual course. This program is not affiliated with the NYSBGA, but we thought it might be of interest to berry growers who are interested in substrate production.

More details from Dennis: The cost of each course will be £102.50 (~$137.50), which Delphy would  invoice you for. However, the on-line hosting is being done by Perennia, so they would need the attendees email to send out an invite.

The agenda: Raspberry Substrate Training Courses for Perrenia, Canada

The format of the training courses will be as follows:

–        Each course is divided into 4 sections. Each section has me talking over a PowerPoint for approx 40 mins.

–        There is a 10 minute break between each section, so that attendees can ask any questions.

–        There will also be a short break between sections  2 + 3, to give everyone chance to get some fresh air, coffee, etc.

–        From my perspective, I am also happy to stay and answer any questions after the last session – for as long as it takes!

–        The entire event usually lasts 3.5-4 hrs, depending on the amount of questions and discussion during the breaks and at the end.

A day or two before each course, I will organise a mail out of the PDF of my PowerPoint (approx 50 slides with 1 slide per screen/A4 sheet). This gives attendees a chance to look through the content and to frame any questions beforehand. It also helps anyone that loses connection during the course and gives them a chance to keep up with the flow, once they have restored connection.

The courses will be from 9.00 am to 13.00 Eastern Standard time.

If you are interested in participating in this course, please contact Dennis Wilson at:


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